What Does Anti-aging and Anti Wrinkle Creams Mean?

What does anti-aging really mean?  Anti means against.  Can you stop the aging process?  I don’t think so.  Can you slow it down?  No.  But you can do things that may the effects less obvious.  I would say that would be to drink a lot of good water.  Not chlorinated water.  Water keeps your skin moisturized.   Don’t spend so much time in the sun.  Find a good sun screen that is as natural as possible.  Get enough sleep–at least eight hours a night.  “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”

Anti Wrinkle Cream

Detail shot of an attractive mature woman smiling against blue

That is as true today as is was when it was coined.  Will your job go on even  if you kiel over from a heart attack?  Oh yes, there will always be someone to take your place.  Our society has become so fast-paced and fast-moving that it is hard to stay ahead of the game.  So slow down and enjoy life a little more.  Keep your head about you and focus on what you can do today and don’t worry so much about the terrifying dead line looming ahead.  If life becomes that stressful then maybe it’s time to find a new job or maybe a new partner.  Try a hobby like planting a garden.

Taking Time To Relax

I happened to try my daughters anti-aging wrinkle cream today and it was wonderful.  Well, wonderful in the way it went on so smoothly on my face and smelled heavenly.  That’s how I get suckered in to buying  so many yummy face creams–they smell and feel like heaven.

Problem is the nicer they smell the more they cost.  And I am yet to be convinced that they are very effective in getting rid of wrinkles.  But maybe everything isn’t about getting rid of the wrinkles or even preventing them (since I don’t really think you can).

Maybe it is about treating yourself to something you enjoy and deserve.  We are so busy rushing around from home and kids to work and then home again to the same routine that we need a little “lavish” time for ourselves.  The guys do football.  We do “lavish.”  You don’t have to lather up your face with cream to feel the wonderful effects.

All you need is a small amount of the end of your finger.  These creams go a long way.  I know it’s tempting to want to smear them all over your body but get some Nutrogena Seasme Oil for that.  Seasme oil is an oil your body can absorb.


Old Age and Wrinkles

Okay I want to know what’s not okay about wrinkles. Now I am 61 years old and I have already had one face lift and I don’t want to go get another one. I don’t like wrinkles either. But I notice that I am getting them again. What I want to know is when did it become so important to not grow old gracefully, as they say?

I’m not against using a wrinkle cream, in fact, I use all kinds of creams, I just don’t think they work. I love to play golf and I wear a hat. That keeps most of the sun off my face. But then there is the problem of age spots. They aren’t very glamorous either.

But I’m not willing to wear long sleeves when it is 85 degrees out side either. So who makes these rules about looking perpetually young. I don’t see men running around so concerned about wrinkles. Look at Robert Redford. He’s a mass of wrinkles these days and he seems just to be fine with it.

We women need to get okay with the fact that men have wrinkles and find women half their age. There is much we can do about that is there? Maybe if we get okay with wrinkles then men will get okay with the fact that we have them.

Isolated portrait of a beautiful young woman

Exercise To Prevent Aging


Did you know that 60 percent of us are sedentary and one out of four people get no exercise at all.  Lack of exercise is what causes so many physical problems like low-back pain and spine problems, fatigue, arthritis, osteoporosis, obesity and a number of other chronic diseases.

Almost everyone has the nagging feeling in the back of their mind that they “should” be getting more exercise but don’t really understand why it is so important.  It’s good because it promotes the health of your cells.  It is good for both your mind and body.  When my boyfriend was killed a number of years ago I had to make myself keep going for walks everyday.

I’m sure that played a significant part in helping me to cope with such a tremendous loss.  Exercise slows the effects of aging, reduces pain and helps to improve your mood, gives you clarity, balance, coordination and spatial awareness.  Everyone has seen what happens to someone who has become paralyzed or is in a wheelchair.

They lose muscle mass very quickly.  Physically inactive people are up to twice as likely to die prematurely as those who exercise.

Does Sunscreen Prevent Aging?


There is to me no difference between anti-aging wrinkle, aging, or moisturizing cream. The best recipe for great skin to me is sunscreen.  I didn’t wear sunscreen as a child because it just wasn’t invented yet.  I remember going out as a child summer after summer and getting burned for the first few weeks.

Being blond I got more easily burned that other skin colors.  Growing up and seeing sunscreen come on the market I had no idea what level to even use.  After doing some research I realized that all sunscreens are not the same.  When I am going out to spend time in the sun I use at least a SPF 30.

You need to put on much more sunscreen that what you may think to achieve the level stated on the tube.  You don’t need as much on your face; perhaps 1/4 or 1/3 of a teaspoon.  Use a “shot glass” of sunscreen to cover your entire body.  Most people put on only about half of the sunscreen they need.

The problem for women is if you put sunscreen on and then makeup on top of that and then later need to put sunscreen on that can be a problem.  If you are going out in the sun it is necessary after a few hours to reapply.  Decide whether you want to have sunscreen on or makeup–it’s hard to do both.


Avocado and Jojoba Oils For Skincare

It’s such a strange phenomena that no matter how old I get I still feel like a teenager inside. Problem is I get that we are treated mostly like what we look like. I don’t have an anti-aging cream per se, but I do use moisturizing products on my skin both in the morning and in the evening.

I prefer the oils like almond oil makes my skin feel softer and so do oils with avocado and jojoba oils. Avocado oil is high in vitamin E which helps to maintain my skin and help repair the sun damage as well.

Almond oil is actually the best for women that are younger. Avocado oil is for women a little older and jojoba oil is best for older skin. It can be put on at night so it can penetrate the skin to give you a soft and non-greasy feeling in the morning.

When looking for an anti-aging cream check to make sure that it either doesn’t have any cetyl alcohol or that it is far down on the list of ingredients. Cetyl alcohol is used to make the cream feel less greasy but it can also dry out your face. Taking care of your skin will pay you great dividends as you get older.

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